Try using RDCOMClient or rcom:

        xl <- COMCreate("Excel.Application")

        # next line optional
        xl[["Visible"]] <- TRUE
        wb <- xl[["Workbooks"]]$Open("/mydir/sample.xlsx")
        sheet <- wb$Sheets("Sheet2")
        xl[["DisplayAlerts"]] <- FALSE
        xl[["DisplayAlerts"]] <- TRUE

On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Daniel Bradley <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm manipulating XLSX data using RODBC, however a limitation which appears
> to be driver based is that you can't clear or drop sheets from the XLSX
> files, as per the following example:
>> library(RODBC)
>> xlsx<-odbcDriverConnect("DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx,
> *.xlsm, *.xlsb);DBQ=c:\\documents and settings\\desktop\\testxlsx.xlsx;
> ReadOnly=False")
>> sqlClear(xlsx,"newsheet2",errors=TRUE)
> [1] "[RODBC] ERROR: Could not
> SQLExecDirect"
> [2] "HY000?Юкяя\003 -5410 [Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver] Deleting data in a
> linked table is not supported by this ISAM."
>> sqlClear(xlsx,"newsheet2",errors=TRUE)
> [1] "[RODBC] ERROR: Could not
> SQLExecDirect"
> [2] "HY000?Юкяя\003 -5410 [Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver] Deleting data in a
> linked table is not supported by this ISAM."
> I'm wondering if anyone has or knows of a work around for this beyond
> converting the sheets to CSV files.  For context, I'm trying to update data
> on about 20 spreadsheets as a daily event, pulling data from MySql,
> formatting it, then overwriting the existing data on the spreadsheets.  This
> is the last piece of the puzzle.  Until the next puzzle.
> Thanks!
> Dan
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