
My code, output, error message, and sample data are all below. As always, all 
help is appreciated.

library(Design); library(lattice)

df = read.table("./data_cub4.txt", header=TRUE, nrows=100)
attach(df); dd = datadist(df); options(datadist = 'dd'); describe(df);

m = (y1 ~ ( rcs(x1,3) + rcs(x2,3) ) )
f = ols(m, data=df)
print( Function(f) )

Linear Regression Model ...
         n Model L.R.       d.f.         R2      Sigma 
       100      720.7          4     0.9993      82.44 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-113.21  -70.46  -20.09   65.77  214.77 
           Value Std. Error         t Pr(>|t|)
Intercept 757.85  1.647e+17 4.601e-15        1
x1         35.58  9.080e+14 3.919e-14        1
x1'        85.92  6.475e+14 1.327e-13        1
x2            NA  1.797e+14        NA       NA
x2'           NA  6.475e+14        NA       NA

Residual standard error: 82.44 on 95 degrees of freedom
Adjusted R-Squared: 0.9992 

Error in if (coef[i] > 0 & (i > 2 | coef[1] != 0 | Intc != 0)) "+" else NULL : 
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

Sample data:
config  benchmark       y1      x1      x2      noise
1       verify2 1008.2  1       1000    0.72
2       verify2 1019    2       999     1.6

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