Dear users,
I am trying to show the equation (including coefficients from the model
estimates) for a gam model but do not understand how to.
Slide 7 from one of the authors presentations (gam-theory.pdf  URL: shows a general equation
log{E(yi )} = α+ ßxi + f (zi ) .
What I would like to do is put my model coefficients and present the
equation used. I am an ecologist not a statistician - and have no access to
statistical advice.
How would I use values from the model below to complete the equation: 
log{E(yi )} = α+ ßxi + f (zi )?
Many thanks,

## from the help
set.seed(0) ## simulate some data...
dat <- gamSim(1,n=400,dist="normal",scale=2)

 I have tried searching help forum with "gam equation" I was not able to
find an answer from the 18 threads returned.
Also tried looking at "?predict.gam" and simply "predict.gam" however my
understanding of R is not sufficient to understand the details to be able to
answer my question.
I checked Simon Woods excellent presentations
( however if the answer is there I am
too stupid to see it. In truth the content assumes a level of basic
understanding that I don't have. Unfortunately I do not have access to the
book ( Wood S.N. (2006) Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R.
Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.) or finances necessary to get it.
Any help would be much appreciated,

R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14)

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