On 08/04/2010 02:11, Felix Andrews wrote:
> On 8 April 2010 03:34, Luigi Ponti <lpo...@inbox.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for the hint, Felix: the following code makes it but (don't know why)
>> the median dots disappear.
>> bwplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays,
>>        groups = spray,
>>        panel = panel.superpose,
>>        panel.groups =  function(..., box.ratio) {
>>             panel.violin(...,
>>                          varwidth = FALSE, box.ratio = box.ratio, cut = 0)
>>             panel.bwplot(..., box.ratio = .1)
>>         },
>>         fill = MyPalette
>> )
>> I tried to change box.dot parameter to no avail. Not sure what is going on
>> here. It would appear that the panel.groups = function(){} is not sure where
>> to read graphical parameters from (just guessing). It would be interesting
>> to know your opinion.
> The problem is that panel.superpose() passes on arguments 'col.line'
> and 'col.symbol', but unless otherwise specified, 'col' is passed as
> NA (which is an invisible color). 

Thanks -- I made a wrong assumption that there was always a default 
value different from NA.

> Your options are to specify pch =
> "|", which is not affected by 'col', 

OK, this works fine.

> or to pass 'col' explicitly:
> bwplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays,
>        groups = spray,
>        panel = panel.superpose,
>        panel.groups =  function(..., box.ratio, col) {
>             panel.violin(..., col = col,
>                          varwidth = FALSE, box.ratio = box.ratio, cut = 0)
>             panel.bwplot(..., col = "black", box.ratio = .1)
>         },
>         fill = MyPalette, pch = 16
> )

Works very well too, and thanks for adding "col = col" to 
panel.violin(), which allowed me to control the color of the violins 
independently as well as to specify parameters inside bwplot() via 
"par.settings = list()" without any conflict arising from multiple calls 
to "col=".

Kind regards,


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