You need to paste() together a formula.  There's an example in ?formula.

n <- 10
rhs <- paste("x", 1:n, collapse = "+", sep = "")
lhs <- "y ~"
f <- as.formula(paste(lhs, rhs))

Then pass `f' into lm().

UCLA Department of Statistics

On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Richard Nixon wrote:

> Hello folks,
> Any ideas how to do this?
> data.frame is a data frame with column names "x1",...,"xn"
> y is a response variable of length dim(data.frame)[1]
> I want to write a function
> function(y, data.frame){
>     lm(y~x1+...+xn)
> }
> This would be easy if n was always the same.
> If n is arbitrary how could I feed the x1+...+xn terms into lm(response~terms)?
> Thanks
> Richard
> --
> Dr. Richard Nixon
> MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, UK
> Tel: +44 (0)1223 330382, Fax: +44 (0)1223 33038
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