Did you try install.packages()?

I know this is not exactly what you're looking for, but with the sometimes-called 'Darwin' version of R 1.7.1 for Mac OS X, installed from source code, not a precompiled binary, and using X Windows,
were successful.

_ platform powerpc-apple-darwin6.6
arch powerpc os darwin6.6 system powerpc, darwin6.6 status major 1 minor 7.1 year 2003 month 06 day 16 language R

I'm not up to date on whether install.packages() will work from a precompiled binary for OS X.

I haven't tried it, but I do not expect install.packages() to work if the Mac OS is 9.x or before, as these are not unix-based. (and support for R pre-OS X is waning if not completely gone)


At 10:42 AM -0600 10/1/03, Aniko Szabo wrote:
I am a Windows user and trying to make life easier for my Mac-using students. After investigating the Mac situation more, it appears that the key to easy use is having precompiled binaries. However the packages I am interested in (Rcmdr and its required package, car) do not have one. I do not have easy access to a Mac, so I have a plea to Macintosh users: could someone please create them if it is not too difficult? I am planning to use R 1.7.1. Please forgive me if my request is inappropriate.


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