On 13-Oct-03 Martin Maechler wrote:
> slightly more recommendable code is
>    result <- try(myfun(...))
>    if(inherits(result, "try-error")) next 
> - using  inherits(obj, cls) is more robust than 
>   class(obj) == cls because it also works when  `obj' has more
>   than one class (e.g. a `glm' object) or when `obj' has no
>   class {i.e. when `methods' is not attached or in older R versions}.

Thanks! (I had been worried about exactly this kind of issue, though in
fact it worked in the case I had.)

> - no trailing ";"

... Old C (and awk) habits die hard ...


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Date: 13-Oct-03                                       Time: 10:50:16
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