On Thursday 23 October 2003 13:36, Jens Oehlschlägel wrote:
> In Germany the Unemployment Agency uses a sectioning of the german map that
> is different from the usual Administrative Boundaries.
> Some demographic data are available in Administrative Boundaries only, some
> in Unemployment Boundaries only.
> I would like to generate estimates in one boundary system of data availabe
> in the other boundary system, and would appreciate advice concerning the
> following questions:
> - can someone provide mapping functions between german Administrative
> Boundaries (Kreise, Gemeinden, ...) and Unemployment Boundaries
> (Arbeitsämter) OR
>   - can someone provide polygon data of Unemployment Boundaries and/or
> Administrative Boundaries
>   AND
>     - is there a general function in R available to map demographic data
> between two boundary systems
>     OR
>     - is there an efficient R function that can determine the amount of
> area overlap between two general polygons (beyond gpclib)
> I am willing to share developed code for this problem (that's why I would
> prefer gpl code over gpclib, which is not really free)
> Thanks for any help
> Jens Oehlschlägel

I am not sure, but it sounds more that you are kooking for a GPL GIS like 
GRASS http://grass.itc.it , have a look at the 5.3/7 development branch (I am 
not sure if it is already usable but 5.0.3 is close to official release), 
they have such things as amount overlap and other gis commands.
Thuban could be worth a try as well,http://freegis.org/index.de.html

cheers Martin

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