Jens Oehlschlägel wrote:

    - is there a general function in R available to map demographic data
between two boundary systems
    - is there an efficient R function that can determine the amount of area
overlap between two general polygons (beyond gpclib)

I am willing to share developed code for this problem (that's why I would
prefer gpl code over gpclib, which is not really free)

Thanks for any help

There is pretty cool polygon intersection algorithm available at:

with the code at:

You can pick up the paper the code is based on from kai hormann's home
page (currently):

The only problem with the algorithm is that it doesn't handle holes, but for area computations you could just join the holes to the boundary.

Ross Ihaka                         Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Statistics           Phone:  (64-9) 373-7599 x 85054
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