
I have a rather simple code and for some reason it produces an error
message.  If someone can tell me why and how to fix it, I would be very
greatful. Thank you in advance.

##### create data
n <- 200                     # number of training points
n.test <- 200               # number of test points
p<-2                            # dimension of input space
z <- matrix(rnorm((n+n.test)*p),ncol=p)
x <- matrix(0,nrow=n+n.test,ncol=p)
for (i in 1:p)
  x[,i] <- z%*%rnorm(p)
truecoef <- c(1,2)
prob1 <- exp(x%*%truecoef)/(1+exp(x%*%truecoef))
# prob is the true probability of class 1
y <- rbinom(n+n.test,1,prob1)
# separate the data into train and test sets
mydata <- data.frame(y=y[1:n],x=x[1:n,])
mydata.test <- data.frame(y=y[n+(1:n.test)],x=x[n+(1:n.test),])
mydt.nb<-naiveBayes(y~ ., data=mydata)
m.pr<-predict(mydt.nb, mydata[,-1], type="class")


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