A mistake that I have made repeatedly is forgetting to add an
appropriate UseDynLib() call to the NAMESPACE file.

On 16-12-22 02:15 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 22/12/2016 1:55 PM, Glenn Schultz wrote:
>> All,
>> My package was not initially built with the rcpp use in mind.  I have
>> to include C++ source code for a particular project so I will have
>> edit the description file add src files, etc.  by hand.  I an going
>> over the rcpp documentation now and reviewing the R documentation on
>> extensions as well.  Is there anything in particular that I should
>> keep in mind while doing this or is this relatively straightforward.
> It should be pretty straightforward.  There are lots of examples of
> packages that do it (not all of which are simple); see the list of
> "reverse XXXX" on https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Rcpp (where XXXX is
> Depends, Imports, Suggests, or LinkingTo).
> Duncan Murdoch
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