Dear friends – I still get some warning although the package runs just fine.

checking for missing documentation entries ... WARNING

  Undocumented data sets:

    'Cl' 'K' 'Na' 'TOTAL' 'WA' 'INPUT' 'Alb' 'Ca' 'Lact' 'Mg' 'PCO2' 'S1'

    'Brom' 'pHOBS'

  All user-level objects in a package should have documentation entries.

  See chapter 'Writing R documentation files' in the 'Writing R

  Extensions' manual.


0 errors v | 1 warning x | 0 notes v

Fejl: R CMD check found WARNINGs

K�rsel stoppet (run stopped)


But the only place I have  any mentions of brom is here below and in no place I 
have capital Brom. So what should I make of this?






Bromic acid data from Glaser et al 2014



  Data to find optimal pK for bromic acid




A workspace.


    \item{brom}{Dataframe of Table S4 in Glaser et al.}

    \item{WA}{List of buffers with list of dissociation constants.}




Glaser RE et al. Dynamical approach to multiequilibriia problems for mixtures of

acids and their conjugate bases. J Chem Educ 2014; 91: 1009-1016




## maybe str(brom) ; plot(brom) ...





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