Thank you so much - I used the search in files function in RStudio and also 
looked everywhere as well as I could - but seemingly: no - everywhere only 
"brom". So since the functions runs as expected and I can make a workable 
binary package I guess I will just continue improving the functionalities and 
see if I eventually get a hunch

All best wishes

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Rolf Turner <> 
Sendt: 19. januar 2019 23:12
Til: Troels Ring <>
Cc: package-develop <>
Emne: Re: [R-pkg-devel] problems documenting data sets

It's hard to be sure without seeing your package, but it *sounds* as though you 
have a data set "Brom" (in <package>/data ?) but you have
*documented* a data set named "brom".  So you should either change the name of 
the data set to "brom" or change your help file to document "Brom".

It is of course entirely possible that I am misunderstanding what is going on, 
in which case I apologise for the noise.



Honorary Research Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Phone: +64-9-373-7599 ext. 88276

On 1/19/19 11:46 PM, Troels Ring wrote:
> Dear friends – I still get some warning although the package runs just fine.
> checking for missing documentation entries ... WARNING
>    Undocumented data sets:
>      'Cl' 'K' 'Na' 'TOTAL' 'WA' 'INPUT' 'Alb' 'Ca' 'Lact' 'Mg' 'PCO2' 'S1'
>      'Brom' 'pHOBS'
>    All user-level objects in a package should have documentation entries.
>    See chapter 'Writing R documentation files' in the 'Writing R
>    Extensions' manual.
> 0 errors v | 1 warning x | 0 notes v
> Fejl: R CMD check found WARNINGs
> K rsel stoppet (run stopped)
> But the only place I have  any mentions of brom is here below and in no place 
> I have capital Brom. So what should I make of this?
> \name{brom}
> \alias{brom}
> \docType{data}
> \title{
> Bromic acid data from Glaser et al 2014
> }
> \description{
>    Data to find optimal pK for bromic acid
> }
> \usage{data("brom")}
> \format{
> A workspace.
>    \describe{
>      \item{brom}{Dataframe of Table S4 in Glaser et al.}
>      \item{WA}{List of buffers with list of dissociation constants.}
>    }
> }
> \source{
> Glaser RE et al. Dynamical approach to multiequilibriia problems for 
> mixtures of
> acids and their conjugate bases. J Chem Educ 2014; 91: 1009-1016
> }
> \examples{
> data(brom)
> ## maybe str(brom) ; plot(brom) ...
> }
> \keyword{datasets}

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