>>>>> Ben Bolker 
>>>>>     on Wed, 7 Oct 2020 20:42:08 -0400 writes:

    > On 10/7/20 8:35 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
    >> On 07/10/2020 8:32 p.m., Ben Bolker wrote:
    >>>     Thanks for the tip, I'll take a look.
    >>>     Given that three relatively experienced package
    >>> authors all seem to have experienced similar issues, it
    >>> seems that maybe this is worth figuring out/maybe I'm
    >>> not just doing something boneheaded.
    >> Just to clarify:  I've never noticed the problem you
    >> mention.  I just know how to debug R CMD build.

    >    I wasn't saying you had. My count of three was Bolker
    > (me), Fox, Nash.

    >    cheers Ben

    >> Duncan

Thank you,  Ben, John (2x), and Duncan.

I agree this should be investigated and fixed if/where needed.
My personal experience is that PDF compaction "has worked for
me" mostly, but not always; I think I never had looked closely
when it did not work, and yes, I know I also had used manual
compaction when I was unhappy with the automatic one.

Given that lme4 takes relatively long, and also given Duncan
Murdoch's precise instruction on how to debug,
could you try to find a  as small as "possible"  repr.example?
Of course it needs a vignette whose pdf is relatively large or
rather "well compactable", but otherwise could also be an
artificial package.


    >>>     cheers       Ben
    >>> On 10/7/20 8:31 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
    >>>> I don't know the answer to your question, but you can
    >>>> debug the --compact-vignettes option as follows.
    >>>> debug(tools::compactPDF)
    >>>> tools:::.build_packages(c("--compact-vignettes",
    >>>> "pkgdir"))
    >>>> where "pkgdir" is the directory of the source of your
    >>>> package.  Add extra options to the build as separate
    >>>> elements of the argument to .build():  this function is
    >>>> called after args have been parsed.
    >>>> When I do that, I see that it rejects the compaction,
    >>>> because none of mine benefit much from it:  it wants at
    >>>> least a 10% and 10K reduction.  But Ben's example met
    >>>> those criteria.  When I trick it into accepting the
    >>>> compaction, it does put the compacted PDF into the
    >>>> tarball.
    >>>> Duncan Murdoch
    >>>> On 07/10/2020 6:03 p.m., John Fox wrote:
    >>>>> Dear Ben,
    >>>>> On 2020-10-07 5:26 p.m., Ben Bolker wrote:
>>>>>      I hope so too. The (annoying) workaround is to
    >>>>> compact the
>>>>> vignette
>>>>> yourself (using qpdf directly or using tools::compactPDF),
    >>>>> then use
>>>>> no-build-vignettes.  The problem there is whatever's
    >>>>> supposed to
>>>>> happen
>>>>> with building vignette indices.  The uuuuugly workaround,
    >>>>> I guess,
>>>>> is to
>>>>> build the tarball, compact the vignettes oneself, then
    >>>>> *replace*
>>>>> them in
>>>>> the tarball.  (Obviously I can automate that, but it seems
    >>>>> as
>>>>> though it
>>>>> would be unnecessary if I knew what was going on ...)
    >>>>> I've used both of these workarounds and agree that it
    >>>>> would be nice to avoid them. After all, what is the
    >>>>> --compact-vignettes argument for?
    >>>>> Best,     John
>>>>>      cheers
>>>>>       Ben
>>>>> On 10/7/20 4:10 PM, John Fox wrote:
    >>>>>>> Dear Ben,
    >>>>>>> I was hoping that someone would pick up on this
    >>>>>>> problem, because I've experienced the same issue of
    >>>>>>> --compact-vignettes apparently ignored, e.g., with
    >>>>>>> the Rcmdr package under R 4.0.2 on both macOS and
    >>>>>>> Windows.
    >>>>>>> Best,     John
    >>>>>>> John Fox, Professor Emeritus McMaster University
    >>>>>>> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada web:
    >>>>>>> https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/jfox/
    >>>>>>> On 2020-10-05 1:09 p.m., Ben Bolker wrote:
    >>>>>>>>      Am I confused, or doing something wrong, or
    >>>>>>>> ... ?
    >>>>>>>>      I have qpdf installed, and am running R CMD
    >>>>>>>> build with --compact-vignettes, but the PDF in the
    >>>>>>>> tarball doesn't seem to be compressed despite the
    >>>>>>>> fact that the output messages say "compacting
    >>>>>>>> vignettes ..."
    >>>>>>>>      $ R CMD build --compact-vignettes lme4 *
    >>>>>>>> checking for file ‘lme4/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK *
    >>>>>>>> preparing ‘lme4’: * checking DESCRIPTION
    >>>>>>>> meta-information ... OK * cleaning src * installing
    >>>>>>>> the package to process help pages * saving partial
    >>>>>>>> Rd database * creating vignettes ... OK Warning:
    >>>>>>>> ‘inst/doc’ files        ‘lmerperf.html’,
    >>>>>>>> ‘lmer.pdf’, ‘PLSvGLS.pdf’, ‘Theory.pdf’     
    >>>>>>>> ignored as vignettes have been rebuilt.       Run R
    >>>>>>>> CMD build with --no-build-vignettes to prevent
    >>>>>>>> rebuilding.  * compacting vignettes and other PDF
    >>>>>>>> files * cleaning src * checking for LF line-endings
    >>>>>>>> in source and make files and shell scripts *
    >>>>>>>> checking for empty or unneeded directories *
    >>>>>>>> building ‘lme4_1.1-24.tar.gz’
    >>>>>>>>      The copy of lmer.pdf in the resulting tarball
    >>>>>>>> is 900K or so:
    >>>>>>>> $ tar ztvf lme4_1.1-24.tar.gz
    >>>>>>>> lme4/inst/doc/lmer.pdf -rw-r--r-- bolker/bolker
    >>>>>>>> 907022 2020-10-05 12:59 lme4/inst/doc/lmer.pdf
    >>>>>>>>      The previously built (and manually compacted)
    >>>>>>>> version of lmer.pdf in the tarball is 500K:
    >>>>>>>> $ ls -l lme4/inst/doc/lmer.pdf -rw-r--r-- 1 bolker
    >>>>>>>> bolker 495199 Oct  3 22:15 lme4/inst/doc/lmer.pdf
    >>>>>>>>       Is 'R CMD build' confused by the presence of
    >>>>>>>> a pre-built PDF in the inst/doc directory? Or am I
    >>>>>>>> somehow mistaken about how this is supposed to
    >>>>>>>> work?
    >>>>>>>>       I would just use --no-build-vignettes and
    >>>>>>>> submit the tarball with the previously
    >>>>>>>> built/compressed PDF, but I'm trying to avoid a
    >>>>>>>> "Package has a VignetteBuilder field but no
    >>>>>>>> prebuilt vignette index" NOTE, which I assume is
    >>>>>>>> missing because I built without building vignettes
    >>>>>>>> ... ?
    >>>>>>>>      As always, enlightenment is welcome.
    >>>>>>>>      cheers        Ben Bolker
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