On 15/12/2020 8:02 a.m., Knut Krueger wrote:
I am using in my Package XlConnect. If the Computer is using Java < 11
all is working. But if not, the package can not be used.

inside teh functions tehre is an ' @importFrom XLConnect createSheet
writeWorksheet saveWorkbook

but only used for additional comfort to use excel sheets

The package is usable without XlConnect if I change

Imports:  igraph,chron,gdata, XLConnect

but then I get the error

checking package dependencies ... ERROR
    Namespace dependency not required: ‘XLConnect’

Just now the new version is on my private repository and working with or
without Xlconnect depending on the java version

How can I submit the package to cran  until XlConnect is working with
java > 11

You should not have

@importFrom XLConnect createSheet writeWorksheet saveWorkbook

in your ROxygen comments; that results in an unconditional import. Instead, you should use fully qualified calls each time, i.e.

XLConnect::createSheet, XLConnect::writeWorksheet, XLConnect::saveWorkbook

in your code. You should also wrap every use of those functions in checks like

if (requireNamespace("XLConnect")) {
  run code
} else {
  report that you can't run that code

and make sure none of your examples or vignettes fail if XLConnect is not present.

Duncan Murdoch

R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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