I suggest NOT using "XLConnect". "sos" now uses WriteXLS. "Ecfun" now uses "openxlsx".

Also, I received an email from CRAN maintainers months ago saying that "gdata" was being obsoleted. It's still on CRAN with a date of 2017-06-06 and a huge number of reverse dependencies. The CRAN maintainers may have gotten someone to agree to take it over who just hasn't finished fixing whatever deficiencies it has. However, you might see how difficult it might be to do without "gdata" as well.

          Spencer Graves

On 2020-12-15 07:37, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 15/12/2020 8:02 a.m., Knut Krueger wrote:
I am using in my Package XlConnect. If the Computer is using Java < 11
all is working. But if not, the package can not be used.

inside teh functions tehre is an ' @importFrom XLConnect createSheet
writeWorksheet saveWorkbook

but only used for additional comfort to use excel sheets

The package is usable without XlConnect if I change

Imports:  igraph,chron,gdata, XLConnect

but then I get the error

checking package dependencies ... ERROR
    Namespace dependency not required: ‘XLConnect’

Just now the new version is on my private repository and working with or
without Xlconnect depending on the java version

How can I submit the package to cran  until XlConnect is working with
java > 11

You should not have

@importFrom XLConnect createSheet writeWorksheet saveWorkbook

in your ROxygen comments; that results in an unconditional import. Instead, you should use fully qualified calls each time, i.e.

XLConnect::createSheet, XLConnect::writeWorksheet, XLConnect::saveWorkbook

in your code.  You should also wrap every use of those functions in checks like

if (requireNamespace("XLConnect")) {
   run code
} else {
   report that you can't run that code

and make sure none of your examples or vignettes fail if XLConnect is not present.

Duncan Murdoch

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