
I'm trying to help clean up an R package for someone else to submit to CRAN. He has used ggplot2 to implement a plotting function for the kinds of things that his packages generates. His plotting routine basically looks like (after changing names to protect the innocent):

myPlot <- fucntion(myData, ...) {
   # get ready
   ggplot(myData, aes(x = myX, y = myY)) +
      # add my decorations

Of course, "R CMD check --as-cran" complains that there is no global binding for "myX" or "myY" since they are columns defined in the data.frame "myData".

What is the best way to work around this issue?

Of course, dinosaurs like myself might be tempted to suggest just using plain old "plot", so I don't need to see those suggestions.

Do I just ignore the usual ggplot conventions and write "myData$myX" inside "aes"  in order to appease the CRAN checker? Or is there some tidy-er way to solve this problem?


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