
Obviously, long. long ago, (in a galaxy not far enough away), Paul's 
suggestion of using "aes_string" was the correct one, since "aes" uses 
non-standard evaluation. (And to quote somebody from an R fortune 
cookie, "The problem with non-standard evaluation is that it is 
non-standard.") But teh documentation at the end oft he link provided by 
Robert explivityl tells you not to do that, since "aes_string is 
deprecated".  And reading more carefully into the manual page for 
aes_string, one does indeed find the statement that the function is 
"soft deprecated". I'm not sure what that means, other than someone on 
the development team doesn't like it.

Instead, the vignette says you should
    importFrom("rlang", ".data")
in your NAMESPACE, and write
    ggplot(myData, aes(x = .data$myX, y = .data$myY))

And now my dinosaur question: That looks like using one non-standard 
hack to cover up the problems with another non-standard hack. Why the 
heck  is that any better for the developer than writing
    ggplot(myData, aes(x = myData$myX, y = myData$myY))

or using Dirk Eddelbuettel's suggestion of calling utils::globalVariables ??

It's time to tell those kids to get off of my lawn.

On 4/22/2021 4:45 PM, Robert M. Flight wrote:
> Kevin,
> This vignette from ggplot2 itself gives the "officially recommended" 
> ways to avoid the warnings from R CMD check
> <>
> Cheers,
> -Robert
> On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 4:39 PM Paul SAVARY 
> < <>> wrote:
>     Hi Kevin,
>     I was faced to the same problem and I used 'aes_string()' instead
>     of 'aes()'. You can then just write the name of the columns
>     containing the data to plot as character strings.
>     Example:
>     myPlot <- function(myData, ...) {
>         # get ready
>         ggplot(myData, aes_string(x = "myX", y = "myY")) +
>            # add my decorations
>            theme_bw()
>     }
>     It is probably already the case for your function but you need to
>     include #' @import ggplot2 in your function preamble (if I am not
>     wrong).
>     Kind regards
>     Paul
>     ----- Mail original -----
>     De: "Kevin R. Coombes" <
>     <>>
>     À: "r-package-devel" <
>     <>>
>     Envoyé: Jeudi 22 Avril 2021 22:28:55
>     Objet: [R-pkg-devel] Using ggplot2 within another package
>     Hi,
>     I'm trying to help clean up an R package for someone else to
>     submit to
>     CRAN. He has used ggplot2 to implement a plotting function for the
>     kinds
>     of things that his packages generates. His plotting routine basically
>     looks like (after changing names to protect the innocent):
>     myPlot <- fucntion(myData, ...) {
>         # get ready
>         ggplot(myData, aes(x = myX, y = myY)) +
>            # add my decorations
>            theme_bw()
>     }
>     Of course, "R CMD check --as-cran" complains that there is no global
>     binding for "myX" or "myY" since they are columns defined in the
>     data.frame "myData".
>     What is the best way to work around this issue?
>     Of course, dinosaurs like myself might be tempted to suggest just
>     using
>     plain old "plot", so I don't need to see those suggestions.
>     Do I just ignore the usual ggplot conventions and write "myData$myX"
>     inside "aes"  in order to appease the CRAN checker? Or is there some
>     tidy-er way to solve this problem?
>     Thanks,
>        Kevin
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