Op 07-12-2021 om 23:49 schreef Ben Engbers:
After a long nightly session, I ended up with inserting a wait between
sending the authentication nonce and reading the status byte.
writeBin(auth, private$conn)
Accepted <- readBin(conn, what = "raw", n = 1)
The new code, which now uses a non-blocking socket, takes less than 4
seconds to execute the 53 tests. Compared to the 120 seconds when using
a blocking socket, this was worth the effort.
Hi Tomas,
I have implemented your suggestions as follows: (I'm not certain yet if
the first check in done - total_length == 0 is realy needed)
Creating the socket:
CreateSocket = function(host, port = 1984L, username, password) {
{conn <- private$conn <- socketConnection(
host = "localhost", port,
open = "w+b", server = FALSE, blocking = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8")
}, error = function(e) {
stop("Cannot open the connection")
#### Authenticating
response <- readBin_(conn) %>% rawToChar()
===> # browser()
splitted <-strsplit(response, "\\:")
ifelse(length(splitted[[1]]) > 1,
{ realm <- splitted[[1]][1]
code <- paste(username, realm, password, sep=":")
nonce <- splitted[[1]][2] },
{ code <- password
nonce <- splitted[[1]][1]}
code <- md5(paste(md5(code), nonce, sep = "")) %>% charToRaw()
# send username + code
auth <- c(charToRaw(username), as.raw(0x00), code, as.raw(0x00))
writeBin(auth, private$conn)
Accepted <- readBin(conn, what = "raw", n = 1) == 0x00
if (!Accepted) {
stop("Access denied")
The first time readBin is used is while authenticating a new session.
This code fails ;-(
But when I insert a call to browser() after the first authentication
line, I can execute all the following code without problems. This
results in a fully functional session. And all the other following calls
to readBin_ return the correct data.
This means that 'done' and 'readBin' do exactly what they are intended
to do.
Why does creating and authenticating fail when a call to browser() is
missing? (Or why does authentication succeed after I have used the debugger?
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