I was asked by CRAN to fix NOTEs in the new version of the package lidaRtRee

On Debian (https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/lidaRtRee_4.0.0_20220520_163049/Debian/00check.log) I have one note related to the maintainer :

# -----
* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: ‘Jean-Matthieu Monnet <jean-matthieu.mon...@inrae.fr>’
# ------

On Windows I also have another NOTE (https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/lidaRtRee_4.0.0_20220520_163049/Windows/00check.log) due to to the running time of the first example, which is my main concern.

# ------
* checking examples ... [78s] NOTE
Examples with CPU (user + system) or elapsed time > 10s
             user system elapsed
aba_metrics 11.79   0.27   12.05
# ------

I do not have access to a windows machine for testing. On my machine (Ubuntu 20.04) the example runs in ~ 4 sec after R startup, but in less than 2 sec on the following calls (see details below). I am not sure if the excessive running of this example (which is the first to be tested) is due to library loading. If it is the case, how can I fix it: - create a "virtual" example which purpose would be to just load libraries, hoping that its running time would be less that 10 sec.
- load libraries at start up using a different way.
- ... ?

Here is a link to the package tar.gz (https://filesender.renater.fr/?s=download&token=163ca058-13ba-4cf5-8f4f-3514abd03ff8) and below the code I run on my machine to estimate the example time.

# --------------
# install package
# install.packages(file.choose(), repos=NULL)
# --------------
# running time at first call
system.time(example(aba_metrics, package = "lidaRtRee"))
# Le chargement a nécessité le package : lidR (loading required)
# lidR 4.0.1 using 6 threads. Help on <gis.stackexchange.com>. Bug report on <github.com/r-lidar/lidR>.
# [...]
# utilisateur     système      écoulé
# 3.867       0.095       3.742
# --------------
# running time at next call
system.time(example(aba_metrics, package = "lidaRtRee"))
# [...]
# utilisateur     système      écoulé
# 0.182       0.000       0.082

Thank you very much for your answers.

Jean-Matthieu Monnet

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