There's an useful tool for testing in Windows.
Check out where you can upload your
tarball and have it built on Windows and give your R CMD check --as-cran
results. Also, you can use github actions to automatically run R CMD check
--as-cran when you push to your repo.

This may not help you directly root out your problem, but it should be
quicker to get check results than uploading to CRAN and using their


Jean-Matthieu Monnet <> escreveu no dia
segunda, 23/05/2022 à(s) 10:34:

> I was asked by CRAN to fix NOTEs in the new version of the package
> lidaRtRee
> On Debian
> (
> I have one note related to the maintainer :
> # -----
> * checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
> Maintainer: ‘Jean-Matthieu Monnet <>’
> # ------
> On Windows I also have another NOTE
> (
> due to to the running time of the first example, which is my main concern.
> # ------
> * checking examples ... [78s] NOTE
> Examples with CPU (user + system) or elapsed time > 10s
>               user system elapsed
> aba_metrics 11.79   0.27   12.05
> # ------
> I do not have access to a windows machine for testing. On my machine
> (Ubuntu 20.04) the example runs in ~ 4 sec after R startup, but in less
> than 2 sec on the following calls (see details below). I am not sure if
>   the excessive running of this example (which is the first to be
> tested) is due to library loading. If it is the case, how can I fix it:
> - create a "virtual" example which purpose would be to just load
> libraries, hoping that its running time would be less that 10 sec.
> - load libraries at start up using a different way.
> - ... ?
> Here is a link to the package tar.gz
> (
> and below the code I run on my machine to estimate the example time.
> # --------------
> # install package
> # install.packages(file.choose(), repos=NULL)
> #
> # --------------
> # running time at first call
> system.time(example(aba_metrics, package = "lidaRtRee"))
> # Le chargement a nécessité le package : lidR (loading required)
> # lidR 4.0.1 using 6 threads. Help on <>. Bug
> report on <>.
> #
> # [...]
> # utilisateur     système      écoulé
> # 3.867       0.095       3.742
> #
> # --------------
> # running time at next call
> system.time(example(aba_metrics, package = "lidaRtRee"))
> #
> # [...]
> # utilisateur     système      écoulé
> # 0.182       0.000       0.082
> Thank you very much for your answers.
> --
> Jean-Matthieu Monnet
> UR LESSEM - INRAE Grenoble
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