Hi Carsten,

This seems to be an unfortunate chain of events between different packages:
RcppMLPACK -> emstreeR -> wflo

Package RcppMLPACK was archived on 2021-12-20 as issues were not corrected
despite reminders.
This resulted in the package emstreeR being archived on 2021-12-20 as
requires archived package 'RcppMLPACK'.
Which also resulted in your package, wflo, being archived.
Later, emstreeR was unarchived on 2022-03-21 after a successful submission
improving the dependencies (probably removing the dependency to RcppMLPACK).
You can see the source of this info on

About the emails, usually maintainers whose package depends on a package
that is about to be removed receive an email with a date by which they
should fix the problems.
But, as I am not part of the CRAN team I cannot check it.

I would recommend preparing a new submission with all the errors and
warnings fixed.
Note that I think the package will be checked as a new package.



On Thu, 22 Sept 2022 at 13:17, Carsten Croonenbroeck <
carsten.croonenbro...@uni-rostock.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was really, really, really surprised to learn today that my package
> “wflo” was removed from CRAN almost a year ago!
> Telling from the output at https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=wflo, this
> is due to my package being “Archived on 2021-12-20 as requires archived
> package 'emstreeR'.” However, emstreeR is in no way archived (see
> https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=emstreeR). Clicking “check results
> archive”, it says that there is only a note
> Result: NOTE
>     Namespace in Imports field not imported from: ‘rgdal’
>      All declared Imports should be used.
> which is indeed correct, I don’t use rgdal anymore. What now, remove the
> rgdal import and resubmit? How come I wasn’t informed, my E-Mail is running
> perfectly. Very puzzling…
> Best
> Carsten
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