On 11/11/2023 3:54 a.m., Karolina Marek wrote:

I am writing again about submitting the package to the CRA - per ARMA,
which was archived on 2022-05-25, as it required the archived package
'matlab'. The new version of the 'matlab' was resubmitted to the Cran on
2022-06-01. When I try to submit the package, I receive the following

  Checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE

* checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... NOTE
Found the following files/directories:

This time I put also the link to the repository on github:
gh repo clone Klona9/r-perARMA

I will be very glad for any help.

Your examples for `parma_ident` appear to create a directory named "PARMA21del1_ident" below the current directory. You can't create files there, you need to create them in tempdir().

Duncan Murdoch

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