On 10/01/2024 9:35 a.m., Josiah Parry wrote:
Thanks, all. As it goes, the package submission failed. The package that is suggested is available at https://r.esri.com/bin/ <https://r.esri.com/bin/> and as such provided `https://r.esri.com <https://r.esri.com>` as the url in `Additional_repositories`.

I don't see a source package there, only .zip files. Those are only going to work on Windows, and only on the R versions you've prepared it for. If the suggested package is only on that platform, I'd suggest removing it from "Suggests", and just describe what it does and how to use it in a vignette or help page.

If you really want to keep it in Suggests, but don't want to describe installation in the way that was recommended to you, then take the other route, and put it in an "Additional_repositories" repository as I suggested last week -- but this time make sure to use a properly formatted repository, not just a web site with some binary builds. The "drat" package makes building one of those really easy.

Duncan Murdoch

R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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