On 28 October 2008 at 03:34, Arnaud Battistella wrote:
| Thanks a lot for your help! Just one last thing: how can we make sure 
| not to have duplicate version of packages (Debian & CRAN) and how bad 
| can this be?

That's two last things if my counting is right :)

a) We cannot avoid as the two `package systems' for R and Debian do not know
   about each other.  Just run
   in an R session and see. It simply runs down the list in R_SITE_LIBS and
   checks all directories to generate the list of avoidable packages.

b) No issue at all.  Worst case is probably that a package that is older
   _may_ get found if the search abort on the first hit. I am not sure if
   that is in fact the case though.

Integrating some Debian knowledge into install.packages() and
update.packages() would make for a nice project.  Anyone interested ?


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