On 28 October 2008 at 10:28, Fritz Scholz wrote:
| I have R 2.8.0 installed on Ubuntu 8.04. It seems to run fine,
| except for the html help interface. 
| I get help OK when doing ?mean on the command line, for example, 
| but when I do help.start() and try to get help for mean it gives me
| an error message:
| Firefox can't find the file
| at /tmp/RtmpwVDJYQ/.R/library/base/html/mean.html
| or in a new session
| Firefox can't find the file
| at /tmp/RtmpJklKkT/.R/library/base/html/mean.html.
| After invoking the above ?mean again on the command line
| it also produces an error message
| > ?mean
| Error in
| print.help_files_with_topic("/usr/lib/R/library/base/html/mean.html") : 
|   No HTML help for 'mean' is available:
| corresponding file is missing
| The directory /usr/lib/R/library/base/html
| appears to be completely empty.
| Can someone help me fix this problem? Did I miss something
| during the installation of? By the way, the same problem 
| occurred during an earlier R 2.6.2 version.

I'd conjecture that you need

        sudo apt-get install r-base-html

and you may want r-doc-html for the manuals while you're at it.


Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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