On 1 December 2017 at 13:24, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| On 1 December 2017 at 19:55, Göran Broström wrote:
| | Hello,
| | 
| | the following is a part of a question asked on R-help. I realized that 
| | it is better suited for asking here. Apologies for the cross-posting!
| | 
| | I'm on Ubuntu artful, and upgraded with 'apt'. Then
| | 
| | ----------------------------------------------------------------
| | goran@M6800:~/src/R-3.4.3$ /usr/bin/R
| | /usr/lib/R/bin/exec/R: symbol lookup error: 
| | /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libblas.so.3: undefined symbol: sgemv_thread_n
| | ----------------------------------------------------------------
| | 
| | Never seen this before. What can I do?
| At home:
| edd@bud:~$ COLUMNS=70 dpkg -l | grep blas
| ii  libblas-common 3.7.0-1      amd64        Dependency package for all BLAS i
| ii  libblas-dev    3.7.0-1      amd64        Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines 
| ii  libblas3       3.7.0-1      amd64        Basic Linear Algebra Reference im
| ii  libopenblas-ba 0.2.19-2     amd64        Optimized BLAS (linear algebra) l
| edd@bud:~$
| At work:
| ........@.....:~$ COLUMNS=70 dpkg -l | grep blas
| ii  libblas-common 3.7.0-1      amd64        Dependency package for all BLAS i
| ii  libblas-dev    3.7.0-1      amd64        Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines 
| ii  libblas3       3.7.0-1      amd64        Basic Linear Algebra Reference im
| ii  libcublas8.0:a 8.0.44-3     amd64        NVIDIA cuBLAS Library
| ii  libnvblas8.0:a 8.0.44-3     amd64        NVBLAS runtime library
| ii  libopenblas-ba 0.2.19-2     amd64        Optimized BLAS (linear algebra) l
| ii  libopenblas-de 0.2.19-2     amd64        Optimized BLAS (linear algebra) l
| ........@.....:~$ 
| In other words, I tend to use standard blas or openblas or atlas (but
| seemingly less often).  Both are 17.04, but that doesn't matter as they both
| have been updated regularly over the years.
| You must have gotten out of whack between what compiled R, and what runs it.
| Did you by chance compile R 3.4.3 locally?

And R 3.4.3 is now as a .deb on the CRAN mirrors and starts as expected as
well.  So your troubles may well be home-grown...


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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