On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 9:27 AM, Johannes Ranke <jra...@uni-bremen.de>

> Hi,
> I wonder if you have read the notes on R 3.5.0 on stretch on
> https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian/
> I think this should answer your questions. If not, please let us know.

I think I have--I think that's how I got the last line in my
sources.list--but I missed it this morning in my hurry.

Do I understand correctly that I should be able to replace the last line of
my sources.list (in my reply to Dirk) with

deb http://<favourite-cran-mirror>/bin/linux/debian stretch-cran35/

and then use

update.packages(lib.loc="/usr/local/lib/R/site-library", ask=FALSE,

to update all my packages (all packages--or just those that use Rcpp?)?
That seems to suggest I /not/ let aptitude safe-upgrade touch anything in
R, right?  I'm guessing / hoping I can use that to update all my CRAN R
packages.  Do I need to do anything to keep any of the r-cran-... Debian
packages from updating?

Figuring out which packages used Rcpp and which didn't seems tedious; am I



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