Am Sonntag, 13. Mai 2018, 21:02:42 CEST schrieb Bill Harris:


Do I understand correctly that I should be able to replace the last line of my 
sources.list (in my reply to Dirk) with 

deb http://<favourite-cran-mirror>/bin/linux/debian stretch-cran35/

If you do this, then update and upgrade, r-cran-* or r-cran-bioc* packages 
installed via the Debian package management system will be removed, with the 
exception of r-recommended and the few packages listed in the Debian CRAN 
page. If you cannot afford that, you should stay with R 3.4.

You can check what packages will be affected as pointed out on the CRAN Debian 
page, or using apt-get upgrade -s (for silent). If this removes R packages 
your locally installed packages depend on, you need to install them from CRAN 
using install.packages or Dirks install.r afterwards.

If you then use

update.packages(lib.loc="/usr/local/lib/R/site-library", ask=FALSE, 

this will update packages installed from CRAN (provided you use the default 
local library path) to make sure they are compatible with R>=3.5.0. Things 
installed from github and the like will have to be taken care of separately.



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