Hi Michael.

I fear I'm becoming a pain in your back. Sorry.

The problem with the "Components" and "Suite" name in the "InRelease" file for bionic-cran35 has been solved. *Many thanks for that.* However, "sudo apt-get install r-base" creates an error message (again here the German version):

ulrich@linuxdesktop:~$ sudo apt-get install r-base
Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut.
Statusinformationen werden eingelesen.... Fertig
Einige Pakete konnten nicht installiert werden. Das kann bedeuten, dass
Sie eine unmögliche Situation angefordert haben oder, wenn Sie die
Unstable-Distribution verwenden, dass einige erforderliche Pakete noch
nicht erstellt wurden oder Incoming noch nicht verlassen haben.
Die folgenden Informationen helfen Ihnen vielleicht, die Situation zu lösen:

Die folgenden Pakete haben unerfüllte Abhängigkeiten:
 r-base : Hängt ab von: r-recommended (= 3.5.0-1bionic) soll aber nicht installiert werden E: Probleme können nicht korrigiert werden, Sie haben zurückgehaltene defekte Pakete.

That's something new. I know, I could probably solve this problem by

    sudo apt-get install r-base r-recommended

But somehow I am puzzled that r-base now _depends_ on r-recommended. Is that the way it is supposed to be now? In this case I think the installation instruction on CRAN would need to get updated. Or is this an error in the dependencies?

Best regards


Am 17.06.2018 um 03:33 schrieb Michael Rutter:

On 06/16/2018 09:22 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:


On 16 June 2018 at 15:04, Ulrich Leuchtmann wrote:
| Hi Dirk.
| I saw you installed a new release. Unfortunately the problem mentioned
| below does persist.

The Ubuntu side of things is mostly Michael's work.
  | I know this is perhaps a minor issue, as users report they can install
| manually (see below). But under strict installation policies this can
| create an issue. Synaptic is refusing to install. The German error
| message is
| "Die Änderungen konnten nicht angewendet werden! Bitte zuerst die
| Probleme mit defekten Paketen beheben."
| In English this should read something like "The change could not be
| applied. Solve problems with broken packages first."

I can still read my native tongue :)

I think Michael works mostly with virtual machines where the installation is
not as minimal. We can (and should have) tested this some more with for
example a Docker container.  Sorry about the inconvenience but I think we can
get this sorted out in a few days.


My apologizes, I had an error in the apt configuration file.  I have corrected the error and tested it in docker.  Should resolve itself the next time the CRAN servers sync.


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