Den 2018-07-06 kl. 16:28, skrev Dirk Eddelbuettel:

On 6 July 2018 at 12:31, Enrico Schumann wrote: | Just as one more
datapoint: I cannot reproduce the segfault, with | R 3.5.1 on
(L)Ubuntu 18.04. (I use the Ubuntu package, i.e. I did not | build
from source.)

I have been a little too busy and have not yet upgraded to 18.04 so I
can't attempt to replicate -- but it _looks_ just like a garden
variety binary mismatch.

We _know_ R 3.5.* requires _all_ binary packages to be reinstalled
and it is easy to miss one.  So unless Göran shows us a generally
reproducible bug I will suspect that this is simply a local
deployment issue.

I suspect that too, since the segfault does _not_ occur if run R via RStudio. _But_, I have run 'update.packages(checkBuilt = TRUE)', and that should take care of reinstalling, right?

Maybe it somehow is an issue with devtools::install_github.



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