Den 2018-07-06 kl. 17:51, skrev Göran Broström:

Den 2018-07-06 kl. 17:43, skrev Henrik Bengtsson:
On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 8:18 AM Göran Broström <>

Den 2018-07-06 kl. 16:28, skrev Dirk Eddelbuettel:

On 6 July 2018 at 12:31, Enrico Schumann wrote: | Just as one
more datapoint: I cannot reproduce the segfault, with | R 3.5.1
on (L)Ubuntu 18.04. (I use the Ubuntu package, i.e. I did not |
build from source.)

I have been a little too busy and have not yet upgraded to 18.04
so I can't attempt to replicate -- but it _looks_ just like a
garden variety binary mismatch.

We _know_ R 3.5.* requires _all_ binary packages to be
reinstalled and it is easy to miss one.  So unless Göran shows us
a generally reproducible bug I will suspect that this is simply a
local deployment issue.

I suspect that too, since the segfault does _not_ occur if run  R
via RStudio. _But_, I have run 'update.packages(checkBuilt =
TRUE)', and that should take care of reinstalling, right?

Maybe it somehow is an issue with devtools::install_github.

If you follow the error traceback (from the bottom of the stack to
the top), the most recent package involved is 'curl'.  It appears
that the segfault occurs when it is loaded.  You probably get the
same if you attempt:


Thanks for the suggestion, but that doesn't crash anything.

in a fresh R session.  If so, as Dirk suggests:

We _know_ R 3.5.* requires _all_ binary packages to be reinstalled
and it is easy to miss one.

make sure to reinstall 'curl'.  If that solves it, it's likely that
other packages have the same issue, so you probably want to start
from a clean slate and wipe your current package library, e.g.
unlink(.libPaths()[1], recursive = TRUE).

Maybe I should do that anyway.

I did this and removed anything related to R and reinstalled. Then, in R,

> install.packages("curl")

and got

Error: package or namespace load failed for 'curl' in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...): unable to load shared object '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/curl/libs/': /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/curl/libs/ undefined symbol: curl_easy_escape
Error: loading failed

I have installed curl, libcurl4, libcurl4-openssl-dev.






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