On 25 October 2018 at 12:15, Steve Gutreuter wrote:
| Updates to Linux Mint included an update to ESS. After the update, M-x R 
| produces:
| load ESSR: + + + Error in file(filename, "r", encoding = encoding) :
|    cannot open the connection
| In addition: Warning message:
| In file(filename, "r", encoding = encoding) :
|    cannot open file ’/usr/share/ess/etc/ESSR/R/.load.R’: No such file or 
| directory
| Any guesses?

You are the seventh message in a thread. Did you read the other six, and
particularly mine from yesterday saying

   I fixed this in a new build 18.10-1-2.  Before I toss that at the Debian
   build servers (and Michael for his Ubuntu builds), could anyone who has an
   issue please test it?  Thes ess and elpa-ess deb files are here for now:


   It's just a directory, not an apt repo, so you need to download eg
   and then install it. 

   These "work for me" but then I also did not have that recent issue.
   Testing feedback (on list or off-list) would be much appreciated.

Also, you did not tell us which version you used.

There could be three at least (not knowing what other remixing Mint may use)


Of these only the last one would contain the fix to the issue you describe.

| Thanks,
| Steve Gutreuter
| On 10/24/18 4:28 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > Hi Paul,
| >
| > On 24 October 2018 at 14:49, Paul Johnson wrote:
| > | It looks OK from my end.
| > |
| > | On my Ubuntu 18.1 system, I did not see the problem described above.
| >
| > Yes, my Ubuntu 18.04 is fine as well.
| >
| > | However, today I saw some other wrinkles and  I have installed your
| > | package and it works as well.  M-R does cause an  R session to open.
| >
| > (I guess you meant M-x R, presumably ? )
| >
| > The (updated, nice) ESS docs also recommend M-x ess-version which works of
| > course too.
| >
| > | I see an explicit setwd() function call in the R inferior session,
| > | I've not noticed that before.  Otherwise, no damage from the new deb
| > | file.
| > |
| > | The standard keyboard shortcuts like C-c C-n work work fine too. The
| > | buttons like "->" and eval region seem OK.
| > |
| > | I have some other problems to fix, but I don't think they are related
| > | to packaging.
| >
| > Ok, I'll probably ship this one then.
| >
| > | Thanks for your effort
| >
| > My pleasure.
| >
| > Dirk
| >
| -- 
| Steve Gutreuter
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