On 29 April 2019 at 15:03, Kurt Hornik wrote:
| >>>>> Johannes Ranke writes:
| > Am Montag, 29. April 2019, 13:44:03 CEST schrieb Kurt Hornik:
| >> >>>>> Johannes Ranke writes:
| >> Thanks.  You may have seen that with current gfortran in
| >> testing/unstable, there are problems with the R BLAS/LAPACK API entries
| >> using a Fortran interface (and hence in particular when using the BLAS
| >> and LAPACK sources that ship with R).
| > No, I wasn't aware of this. Is there a bug report where this is
| > discussed?
| Not really, as the issue seems to complicated to condense into a bug
| report.  From discussions with Thomas Koenig from the GCC team, it seems
| that f2c, g77 and now gfortran have always added additional character
| length arguments for each character argument, where the R
| F77_NAME/F77_CALL mechanism has always called with the arguments of the
| Fortran subroutine but without the additional length arguments.  A
| change in gcc trunk also ported to gcc-8-branch apparently changed what
| happened in such case, to the effect that we're now seeing about 25
| CRAN packages fail their run time checks with segfaults or run time
| errors ...
| But things are actually hard to pin down for us, and no obvious "fix"
| is in sight.  It would be great if at least for the gfortran-8 that
| Debian will release we would get the old behavior back ...

>From what I saw, the change is triggered by 'lto' -- link-time optimisation.
A genuinely desirable feature (which can lead to improved performance from
'whole program' view) which however appears to have a side effect with older
Fortran code and its calling convention.

Note, however, that Debian unstable still has the 8.3.* branch. As such I
would find that it is a little early to ring alarm bells at full tilt. CCing
Martyn who use the R Foundation twitter handle for one such alarm.  Without
commensurate discussion on r-devel or r-package-devel this may not help much.


| Best
| -k
| > Johannes
| >> It seems I can avoid these using
| >> OpenBLAS (but then this really only works find for me provided I setenv
| >> 
| >> -k
| >> 
| >> > Dear all,
| >> > Now that the upcoming Debian release "buster" is frozen, I have started
| >> > supplying backports for it. Pending mirror synchronisations, R 3.6.0 is
| >> > now
| >> > available for Debian buster on i386 and amd64 architectures. Please refer
| >> > to> 
| >> >   https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian/
| >> > 
| >> > for details. At the moment I am not providing binaries for the arm
| >> > architecture for buster, as the SD card in my raspberry 3 has died and I
| >> > do
| >> > not use these binaries any more anyways. Let me know if this is a 
| >> > 
| >> > Kind regards,
| >> > 
| >> > Johannes
| >> > 
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