On 10 May 2019 at 13:46, Kurt Hornik wrote:
| >>>>> Dirk Eddelbuettel writes:
| > On 10 May 2019 at 10:52, Johannes Ranke wrote:
| > | Thanks, that sounds good. But I need some help as I do not know much 
| > | autoconf and Debian packaging: Is it enough to patch configure.ac 
(r76467) or 
| > | do we need to update configure as well (r76468)?
| > Again, that would happen in the sources you pick up from me, and per
| > part1 
| > part2 
| > it only affects gfortran >= 7, and my Debian stable fileserver shows gcc
| > still the default so no rush.
| > | > In principle I think all Fortran BLAS/LAPACK implementations (refblas
| > | > and ATLAS) packaged for buster should be recompiled with
| > | > -fno-optimize-sibling-calls (they may be fine in case they were compiled
| > | > with older version of gfortran-8, but then the next rebuild will cause
| > | > trouble): Dirk, any chance you could get the package maintainers to make
| > | > these changes?
| > | 
| > | It seems to me this is of relevance for for Sébastien (Ccing), or more 
| > | generally for debian-science.
| > Not really. I do not think anybody concluded our LAPACK/BLAS needed to be
| > recompiled.  The discussion about this has been going on for a few weeks and
| > is now also between gcc/gfortran upstream and the lapack folks. See Tomas's
| > posts on (IIRC) r-devel.
| > So in short, things are moving, and in the right direction. Also worth
| > recalling that the _initial findings_ were and still are about a gcc /
| > gfortran version _not even in Debian unstable yet_ (but the folks in
| > Fedora once again jumped the gun and they now have that problem with
| > gfortran 9).
| Afaics, the issue certainly affects current gfortran-8 in testing?

Correct -- my bad. As Debian pulled that upstream patch in. In any event I
was planning to push an updated r-base package carrying the patch to

And the as-discussed issue with noisy "verboten compiler switches" warning we
are being handed between Debian imposing switches and R not liking them.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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