Hai Mary,

afaik there is no "Indval" package.

Have a look at indval() in the labdsv package and the indicspecies package.


Am 28.06.2011 09:45, schrieb mary anto:
Dear Group,

I am new to R and I was wondering if someone could  suggest the appropriate
   R package  for my analysis.

I  have sampled 166  butterfly species present/sighted  along       line
transects  distributed across  5 habitat types in 3 locations during  August
2008 to May 2011 (area located in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot),.

  I would like to find out species indicative of  particular habitats. I plan
to use the  Indval  package. Any other suggestions or comments?


Mary Anto

Project Scientist

Forest Entomology

Division of Forest Health

Kerala Forest Research Institute

Peechi, Thrisur, Kerala

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