Species distribution models using R (SDMR01)


Deadline for registration is 21/05/2018

This course will be delivered by Prof. Jane Elith, Dr. Gurutzeta Guillera and Jose Square form the 12th - 15th June 2018 at Myuna Bay Sport and Recreation, Wangi Road, Myuna Bay, New South Wales 2264 Australia

Course Overview:
The aim of this four-day course is to work towards an understanding of, and practical ability to fit, species distribution models (SDMs). It will be useful if you plan to use SDMs, or if you just want to understand them better.

We will focus on statistical models of species distributions – those that combine observed species records with environmental data.

Using a mixture of lectures, computer exercises and case studies, participants will learn to:
1) identify relevant data, and prepare it for modelling;
2) fit models using several modelling methods (including Maxent, generalized linear models and their extensions, and boosted regression trees);
3) consider how to model species if detection is imperfect;
4) evaluate models and interpret them;
5) understand the range of practical issues that arise in typical applications of SDMs.

Practical sessions will use the free statistical software, R – prior experience (even if some practice before you come) will be useful. Example data will be provided but participants may also bring their own data. Presenters include Jane Elith and Gurutzeta Guillera-Arroita, who are highly experienced in SDMs.

If you have any questions please email oliverhoo...@prstatistics.com

Monday 11th
Meet at Myuna Bay Sport and |recreation at approx. 18:30

Tuesday 12th – Classes from 09:00 to 17:00
Overview of modelling distributions; niches and theory
The modelling process – key concepts
Predictor variables
Species data
Practical: start working with supplied data
Methods for presence-absence data; introduction to use of regression models for species modelling

Wednesday 13th – Classes from 09:00 to 17:00
Generalised linear models (GLMs) and GLMMS
Practical using GLMs with data
How to evaluate models – lecture and practical
Occupancy-detection models – lecture and practical

Thursday 14th – Classes from 09:00 to 17:00
What if no absence data? – introduction to presence-only and background data
Practical: GLM with background data
Relative probabilities, point processes
Maxent – lecture and practical
Evaluation for presence-background models
How to deal with biased data

Friday 15th – Classes from 09:00 to 16:00
Boosted regression trees – lecture and practical
Complexity vs simplicity in models
Using models for extrapolation
Hot topics: where is species modelling heading?

Oliver Hooker PhD.
PR statistics

2018 publications -

Phenotypic and resource use partitioning amongst sympatric lacustrine brown trout, Salmo trutta. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. DOI 10.1093/biolinnean/bly032


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