Dear all,
registration is now open for the course "GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS in R"
Dates: online, 19-23 June 
Course website: [ ]( ) 
In this course, we will introduce GLMs as a unified, coherent, and easily 
extendable framework for the analysis of many types of data, including Normal 
(Gaussian), binary, and discrete (count) response variables with both 
categorical (factors) and continuous predictors.
The course is aimed at graduate students and researchers with basic statistical 
knowledge that want to learn how to analyze experimental and observation data 
with generalized linear regression models in R. Basic knowledge means that we 
assume knowledge about foundational statistical concepts (e.g. standard error, 
p-value, hypothesis testing) that are usually covered in a first introductory 
statistics class. Participants should also be familiar with Rstudio and have 
some experience in programming R code, including being able to import, 
manipulate (e.g. modify variables) and visualize data. If you have never used R 
before, it will be more useful for you to take an introductory R course first.
Best regards,

Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D

Physalia-courses DIRECTOR

mobile: +49 17645230846

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