Thanks very much. I had more or less reached the same conclusions -- I was just about to rebuild RPMs for source for zlib, etc, and update those, and try again, but I've had mixed success in doing that in past. Its easy enough to roll back to 3.2.5 (which compiles perfectly against all the CentOS 6.x.x libs), but 3.30 plays nice with a few other things I work with. Hence my interest in 3.30.

I'll definitely try the latest build later this week.

p.s. I should probably upgrade to RH 7 - but thanks for not beating me over the head with the obvious. ;-)

On 6/6/2016 9:55 AM, Tom Callaway wrote:
On 06/04/2016 12:10 PM, Evan Cooch wrote:
Updated my R install on my GNU/Linux boxes (running CentOS 6.8) from
3.2.x -> 3.3.0, using latest from epel (i.e., not compiling from
source), and while said upgrade seemed to go fine, am now (post-upgrade)
having all sorts of problems with getting some (but not all) packages to
compile (either during an initial install attempt, or upgrade to
existing packages).
Here's what happened:

In R 3.3.0, R requires much newer versions of zlib, bzip2, lzma/xz.
curl, and pcre than are included in EL5/6. Since I suspected strongly
that people would not like the answer of "upgrade to EL7" (though, to be
fair, you really should seriously consider that), I endeavoured to hack
in bundled copies of those needed libs, compiled statically into R.
Unfortunately, this process had some leftover noise, which resulted in
my giant pile of custom LDFLAGS getting inherited when you build from CRAN.

3.3.0-5 _should_ resolve all of this and "just work". Please test this
build when it finishes and let me know:



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