On 06/06/2016 10:00 AM, Evan Cooch wrote:
> Thanks very much. I had more or less reached the same conclusions -- I
> was just about to rebuild RPMs for source for zlib, etc, and update
> those, and try again, but I've had mixed success in doing that in past.
> Its easy enough to roll back to 3.2.5 (which compiles perfectly against
> all the CentOS 6.x.x libs), but 3.30 plays nice with a few other things
> I work with. Hence my interest in 3.30.

Yeah. I thought about pulling it all into a separate copr repo with
updated packages, but EL5/6 are fragile as is, without me introducing
major API changes to core libraries. Last thing I need in my life is Red
Hat Support angry at me for breaking people's RHEL boxes. :)

This solution was the best option I could come up with from a list of
bad options.


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