Hi Doug,

You can use getInstrument to see the instruments


  stock("SPY", currency("USD"))

Please take a look at the files in the demo directory

You'll also probably be interested in ?buildHierarchy

build_series_symbols does nothing but return a character vector and it
does not store it anywhere and it does not create any instruments. (I
personally use future_id from the twsInstrument package to serve the
purpose of build_series_symbols)


On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Doug Edmunds <dougedmu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How can I see what the names of variables and what is being stored
> in them when running functions in the FinancialInstrument package?  I am
> using R-Studio.
> For example, running:
>> currency("USD")
> outputs this to the console window:
> [1] "USD"
> but gives me no clue as to where that value is being
> stored or how to access it.
> Similarly, reading a tutorial such as:
> http://blog.fosstrading.com/2011/07/creating-financial-instrument-metadata.html,
> it says:
> "build_series_symbols returns a vector of series symbols that we could use
> to request data or create future_series instruments."
> But what is the name of the vector?  Where is it stored?
> Thanks.
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