You should be able to install it with this command

    install.packages("qmao", repos="";)

If for some reason that does not work, see this link:


On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Ralph Vince <> wrote:
> Garrett, this is really great. So I only need to get the latest qmao
> to do this? It's in CRAN? Ralph VInce
> On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 2:49 PM, G See <> wrote:
>> I guess since you really only care about the future, this would be
>> more appropriate
>>     sc <- getSplitsCalendar(from='2012-09-05', to='2012-12-31')
>>     sc[sc$Symbol =="LKQ", ]
>>          Payable    Ex.Date Company Symbol Optionable. Ratio  Announced
>>     4 2012-09-18 2012-09-19     LKQ    LKQ           Y   2-1 2012-08-17
>> On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 1:44 PM, G See <> wrote:
>>> That's not really how the website is setup.  So, I don't think that's
>>> how the function should be setup by default.  But, you can easily
>>> filter the results by Symbol.
>>> Here is the wrapper I mentioned.
>>>     getSplitsCalendar <- function(from, to) {
>>>       qmao:::getCalendarByMonth(".getSplitsCalendar", from=from, to=to)
>>>     }
>>> This allows you to get and merge several months of splits calendars.
>>>     sc <- getSplitsCalendar(from='2012-01-01', to='2012-08-31')
>>> Now you have the splits calendar from January to August.  You can
>>> filter that by the symbol you care about.
>>> sc[sc$Symbol == "ALK", ]
>>>       Payable    Ex.Date    Company Symbol Optionable. Ratio  Announced
>>> 52 2012-03-16 2012-03-19 Alaska Air    ALK           Y   2-1 2012-02-16
>>> Good enough?
>>> Garrett
>>> On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 1:34 PM, Ralph Vince <> wrote:
>>>> Garrett,
>>>> This is great. Do you think it would be possible to pass in a given
>>>> ticker to get that informatoin, rather than getting the whole gulp?
>>>> Ralph Vince

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