On Tue, 3 May 2011, Robin W Hunnewell wrote:

Thank you.  sorry if this is basic; had just hoped to find a step-by-step guide for Idiots on how to install GDAL and rgdal on OSX. 

I downloaded the comprehensive GDAL framework provided by William Kyngesburye:


Help and 'read me' files say to install the GDAL framework with dependencies first, then an rgdal binary from the same site. But I'm not sure how to compile and configure GDAL the right way - so that it gets to the R library and can then be located. I'm sure it's just a basic step, but for someone new to this it's a little confusing..
Thanks very much for the URL below, will try to work it through

If you do not need drivers other than the standard ones (shapefile, geotiff, etc.), within R do only:


Only use Kyngchaos if you need GDAL and the frameworks for other purposes other than rgdal, or if you need extra drivers for rgdal not provided as standard from CRAN extras.

Please report back if this meets your needs.


On 03 May, 2011,at 02:21 PM, Roger Bivand <roger.biv...@nhh.no> wrote:

On Tue, 3 May 2011, Robin W Hunnewell wrote:


Could you - or any other mac users who've been successful installing rgdal
elaborate how you did it? 

Usually, OSX users say setRepositories(ind=1:2) to install from CRAN and CRAN extras, where OSX binaries for R 2.13 are provided by Prof. Brian Ripley. The direct URL is:


This has static GDAL and standard drivers. Kyngchaos now also has an R 2.13 binary, which depends on the frameworks also provided there - it was added recently at user request, and provides a larger number of drivers.


I'm trying to install rgdal in my iMac (os X 10.6.7). I have latest Mac R app. version 2.13.0  I downloaded the GDAL framework 1.8 and its dependencies from the kyngchaos site -- under the GDAL section of the page: 


But not sure the that the installation has put it in the right
path for loading into R.

In R, I installed and loaded library 'sp'  which rgdal needs..

Then tried to install the GDAL package - I go to the R Package Installer, select 'Local Binary Package' from the popup, then click 'Install...'.  I was able to locate and select the rgdal tarball to install and load it
use in R, but get error message:
1: 'tar' returned non-zero exit code 1 2: In file.rename(file.path(tmpDir, pkgname), instPath) : cannot rename file '/Users/robinhunnewell/Library/R/2.13/library/file3af03e3f/GDAL' to '/Users/robinhunnewell/Library/R/2.13/library/GDAL', reason 'No such file
3: unable to move temporary installation '/Users/robinhunnewell/Library/R/2.13/library/file3af03e3f/GDAL' to '/Users/robinhunnewell/Library/R/2.13/library/GDAL' Is it because GDAL is not in the right place? Thanks v much if anyone can anyone help!

On 02 May, 2011,at 11:23 AM, Christopher Fusting <cfust...@gmail.com>

I had a similar problem. The port under the GDAL section of this page
worked for me:



2011/5/2 Ant???nio M. Rodrigues <amcrgrodrigues@gmailcom>


I'm trying to instal library rgdal in my macbook (os X 10.6.7).

I have installed the latest R package (R-2.13.0.pkg).

I have gdal 1.8 install. Also, I have loaded library sp which rgdal needs.

I downloaded rdgal_06-33.tgz and using R Package installer, I located and
installed the Local Binary Package.

When trying to load rgdal ( >library(rgdal)in the R prompt) I get the


Error : onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rgdal', details:

call: fun(..)


GDAL Error 1: dlopen(/Library/Application
Support/GDAL/1.8/PlugIns/gdal_GRASS.dylib, 1): Library not loaded:

Referenced from: /Library/Application

Reason: image not found

Error: package/namespace load failed for 'rgdal'


Any help will be much appreciated.



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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: roger.biv...@nhh.no
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