On 10/11/2011 08:29 PM, Jonathan Greenberg wrote:
> R-sig-geo'ers:
> I wanted to take a quick poll -- what is your favorite introductory
> GIS textbook?  I'm evaluating texts for a basic GIS course I'll be
> teaching next year, and I wanted to get some feedback from the
> open-source community.  Thanks!
> --j

Hi Jonathan,

On topic (I don't want to start a ArcGIS vs Open source flame :)). When
I did a graduate course in GIS, we used the book "Principles of
Geographical Information Systems" by Peter Burrough and Rachael
McDonnell. I think the book is ok, especially when teaching to under
graduates. It covers a wide range of topics and does not explicitely use
one type of software (e.g. ArcGIS).


Paul Hiemstra, Ph.D.
Global Climate Division
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
Wilhelminalaan 10 | 3732 GK | De Bilt | Kamer B 3.39
P.O. Box 201 | 3730 AE | De Bilt
tel: +31 30 2206 494


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