I don't know about REST.  Does it work with or is part of R, please?


From: Florian Lengyel [florian.leng...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 12:12 AM
To: Hodgess, Erin
Cc: Ebrahim Jahanshiri; r-sig-geo@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] Interactive (click-able) map within R

I wasn't aware of FastRWeb. My understanding is that OpenCPU could handle 
ggplot2 graphics--is this
the case for FastRWeb? What about providing a RESTful service interface?

In a sense the original question was asking for a GIS replacement in R. CartoDB 
below as a commercial
service provides map layers that Leaflet could access through URI calls, but 
accessing the internal PostGIS
that CartoDB maintains is another matter.

Maybe a more sensible architecture (for me) is OpenCPU+GRASS+Leaflet+JQuery. I 
haven't said what I
was up to: display of biogeophysical indicators in the Niger RIver Basin. 
However, this has nothing to
do with R--I wrote my own REST server in Flask to provide some functions such 
as histograms, approximations
of subbasins, etc.  It became clear that I was duplicating the functions of an 
honest GIS; I
needed GDAL functions, projections... (Fools rush in where angels fear to 
tread, and there was no one around
to disabuse me of my ignorance.)

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 12:56 AM, Hodgess, Erin 
<hodge...@uhd.edu<mailto:hodge...@uhd.edu>> wrote:

I just started working on this yesterday (literally!) via FastRWeb.  Simon 
Urbanek gave me some suggestions to use which involve HTML, callbacks, etc.  I 
know I little about HTML but not about javascript.

However, I'm trying to put some sense to things.


From: r-sig-geo-boun...@r-project.org<mailto:r-sig-geo-boun...@r-project.org> 
[r-sig-geo-boun...@r-project.org<mailto:r-sig-geo-boun...@r-project.org>] on 
behalf of Florian Lengyel 
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 11:24 PM
To: Ebrahim Jahanshiri
Cc: r-sig-geo@r-project.org<mailto:r-sig-geo@r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] Interactive (click-able) map within R

I'm going to venture a suggestion--I'm interpreting your question to
mean that you would like web-enabled maps, and not a desktop application.
If you meant a desktop application, then I'm responding the question
I would have liked someone else to ask (and that I would like someone
else to solve--so I might as well attempt to work on it.)

Perhaps OpenCPU (http://opencpu.org)  would be suitable as a
web platform,  in conjunction with a javascript library such as Leaflet.
Integrating the two would involve using the REST service supplied
by OpenCPU, possibly modifying it to return GeoJSON. It might have to
be combined with a javascript library such as jQuery (for additional
and URI calls).

It's possible you could use CartoDB for map layers, in conjunction with
and use OpenCPU as the REST service to provide access to the multiple
regressions. This could mean duplicating your data: it is possible that
the same layers you maintain in CartoDB would have to be accessible to R
However, if you want your own installation of CartoDB instead of the
service, this is what you're up against:


Perhaps someone will set me straight and convince me these are terrible
if they even rise to that level.


On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 11:39 PM, Ebrahim Jahanshiri 
> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am trying to create a map that is click-able i.e. like most GIS platforms
> that let the user click on the points or entities and for example see their
> attributes. I want to do this within R since I need R to do the analysis
> (multiple regression) and show the results of regression along with other
> attributes for each entity on a base map by a click of user on a map
> overlay (simple GIS work).
> I can not use anything based on Google maps (like GoogleVis and KML
> exportation and so on) since my data is using different projection and
> transforming them into WGS84 creates overlay miss-positions on Google
> Earth/Maps. So I need to first load up my area polygon and then overlay the
> points on top of them and as I mentioned I need it to be click-able.
> So far I couldn't find a way to do this totally within R. I am aware that
> by linking R to other GIS software (like GRASS GIS for example) it is
> possible to do this but my priority is R since it will be easier for me to
> work with and also I have no experience with GRASS or other open-source
> software. Moreover it will be good to find out if there is any capability
> already implemented in R.
> I appreciate any clue that you might have for me,
> Best regards,
> Ebrahim Jahanshiri
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