Dear All,


*Zia Ahmed, PhD*

Research Associate Professor (Data & Visualization)

RENEW (Research and Education in eNergy, Environment and Water) Institute

University at Buffalo <>

Tutorial consist following topics:

*1. Spatial Data Processing

   - Reading and Writing Spatial Data
      - Vector data
      - Raster data
   - Map Projection and Coordinate Reference Systems
      - Geographic coordinate system (GCS)
      - Projected coordinate system
      - Coordinate Reference System in R
   - Geoprocessing of Vector data
      - Clipping
      - Union
      - Dissolve
      - Intersect
      - Erase
      - Convex Hull
      - Buffer
   - Working with Spatial Point Data
      - Create a Spatial Point Data Frame
      - Extract Environmental Covariates to SPDF
      - Create a Prediction Grid
      - Exploratory Data Analysis
      - Plot Data on Web Map
   - Working with Spatial Polygon Data
      - Data Processing
      - Visualization
      - Animation of Time Series Data
   - Working with Raster Data
      - Basic Raster Operation
      - Clipping
      - Reclassification
      - Focal Statistics
      - Raster Algebra
      - Aggregation
      - Resample
      - Mosaic
      - Convert Raster to Point Data
      - Convert Point Data to Raster
      - Raster Stack and Raster Brick
      - Digital Terrain Modeling
         - Slope
         - Aspect
         - Hillshade
         - Terrain Ruggedness Index
         - Topographic Position Index
         - Roughness
         - Curvature
         - Flow Direction
      - netCDF Data Processing

*2. Spatial Statistics

   - Spatial Autocorrelation
      - Moran’s I
      - Geary’s C
      - Getis’s Gi
   - Point Pattern Analysis
   - Geographically Weighted Mmodels
      - Geographically Weighted Summary Statistics
      - Geographically Weighted Principal Components Analysis
      - Geographically Weighted Regression
         - Geographically Weighted OLS Regression
         - Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression
         - Global and local (Geographically Weighted) Random Forest

*3. Spatial Interpolation

·         Spatial Interpolation

o    Deterministic Methods for Spatial Interpolation

§  Polynomial Trend Surface

§  Proximity Analysis-Thiessen Polygons

§  Nearest Neighbor Interpolation

§  Inverse Distance Weighted

§  Thin Plate Spline

o    Geostatistical Methods for Spatial Interpolation

§  Semivariogram Modeling

§  Kriging <>

§  Ordinary Kriging

§  Universal Kriging

§  Co-Kriging

§  Regression kriging

§  Generalized Linear Model

§  Random Forest

§  Meta Ensemble Machine Learning

§  Indicator kriging

·         Assessing the Quality of Spatial Predictions

o    Cross-validation

o    Validation with an Independent Dataset

o    Conditional Simulation for Spatial Uncertainty

*4. Remote Sensing Data Processing and Analysis

Remote Sensing Basic

·         Landsat 8 Image Processing & Visualization

o    RGB image comparison

o    Pan Sharpening or Image Fusion

o    Radiometric Calibration and Atmospheric Correction

·         Spectral Indices

o    Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

o    Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI)

o    Modified soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (MSAVI)

o    Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI)

o    Two-bands Enhanced Vegetation (EVI2)

o    Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI)

·         Green Ground Cover from UAV Images

·         Texture Analysis

·         Image Classification

o    Ground Truth Data Processing

o    Unsupervised Classification

§  Supervised Classification

·      Random Forest

·      Support Vector Machine

·      Naïve Bayes

·      eXBoost

·      Deep Learning-H2O

·      Stack-Ensemble-H20

·      Deep Learning Keras-TensorFlow

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