Hello everyone,
I'm working with a large spatial polygon data frame downloaded from  
https://biogeo.ucdavis.edu/data/gadm3.6/Rsp/gadm36_DEU_4_sp.rds  . A have added 
two columns to the dataset with number of people and number of shops in each 
district. Now I have to group the polygons so that the 200 resulting areas 
contain an approximately equal number of people and shops or at least only 
people. It should be just a new column with an ID of the «new» area (from 1 to 
200), which matches every polygon (district). Like this:
CC_4                 New_area
84255001002 1
84255001004 2
84255002017 78
84255002020 1
Unfortunately, I have no idea how to implement this. Are there any appropariate 
functions? Could You please help me?
Thank You very much in advance.
Best regards,
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