Hi Jan,

Even simpler, once you have a SpatialPolygons object you can use spsample() to make a grid in that polygon. For reading polygons look at the rgdal package or readShapePoly() in the maptools package. See http://spatial.nhh.no/R/etc/world_map_intro.html for a shapefile for the whole world, probably you could get a map of germany from that quite easily.

Be sure to take a look at the automap package, it is a wrapper around gstat, automating interpolation. Just see what you get from that as a start. automap is not (yet) on cran, but you can download it from my website (I wrote the package and now I'm advertising it :)) http:/intamap.geo.uu.nl/~paul/Downloads.html.


Virgilio Gomez Rubio schreef:

If you have the boundaries of Germany and you want to make your own
grid, you can use the overlay method to 'cut' the grid so that you only
get the points inside Germany. You can use this object in gstat to make
your predictions.

Hope this helps,


El mar, 24-02-2009 a las 18:21 +0100, Jan Hackenberg escribió:
im doing a project with Interpolating ( Kriging ) Temperature Data from many
Stations in Germany. To do a Kriging i have to use a Grid. So I have now 2
options. The better one is too download a prepared grid with the borders of
Germany. Then the interpolated map will look great, because i have only
Points inside German borders. So does anyone have got such a grid?
If no, the other is to make a grid inside a German Bounding Box. Then my map
will be a quare :). I have looked in the meuse Data set how such a grid
looks like :
Object of class SpatialPixelsDataFrame
Object of class SpatialPixels
Grid topology:
  cellcentre.offset cellsize cells.dim
x            178460       40        78
y            329620       40       104
             x      y
   [1,] 181180 333740
   [2,] 181140 333700
   [3,] 181180 333700
and so on.
So is there any Possibility to make such a grid, if i know : Coordinates of
my Bounding Box (upper left coodinates for example (200000,540000), upper
right(900000,650000)) and Cellsize for Example 10000?
I woult prefer too download an existing grid.
Sorry for my bad english and bad knowledge of R. :)
Greetings Jan Hackenberg

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