Thank you Roger. Using"spRbind", myListOfSpatialPointsObjects)

do not work, but I can work around.


2009/5/8 Roger Bivand <>

> On Fri, 8 May 2009, Renaud Lancelot wrote:
>  Thank you, here is the full process trying to follow Edzer's suggestion:
>> library(RODBC)
>> library(rgdal)
>> channel <- odbcConnectAccess("farms.mdb")
>> sigal <- sqlQuery(channel, "select * from T_SIGAL")
>> Liste <- by(sigal,
>>           list(zone = sigal$zone),
>>           function(x){
>>               strg <- paste("+proj=utm +ellps=intl +zone=",
>> unique(x$zone), sep = "")
>>               SP <- SpatialPoints(cbind(x$UTM_X, x$UTM_Y),
>> proj4string=CRS(strg))
>>     , CRS("+proj=longlat
>> +datum=WGS84")))
>>               })
>> sigal2 <-"rbind", Liste)
>> dimnames(sigal2) <- list(seq(nrow(sigal2)), c("x", "y"))
>> Plotting the result looks fine but I need to check further.
>> BTW, is it possible to stack directly the SpatialPoints objects?
> Yes, you could use the spRbind() method in maptools:
> library(maptools)
> set.seed(1)
> a <- SpatialPoints(matrix(runif(100), ncol=2))
> b <- SpatialPoints(matrix(runif(100), ncol=2))
> c <- spRbind(a, b)
> plot(c, axes=TRUE)
> points(a, col="green")
> points(b, col="red")
> Roger
>> Thank you for your help!
>> Renaud
>> 2009/5/8 Jim Burke <>
>>  Its all quite simple I think (i.e. "hope"). Have
>>> you used spTransform(rdgal)?
>>> ## here I have a file from a local group delivered
>>> ## in UTM format that I transformed OK to long-lat.
>>> library(rgdal) # for map projection support; automatically loads sp
>>> ## transform internal measurements from UTM to long lat format
>>> longlat_sp <- spTransform(UTM_format_sp, CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
>>> sapply(slot(longlat_sp, "polygons"), function(x) slot(x, "ID"))
>>>  showMethods("spTransform")
>>> Function: spTransform (package rgdal)
>>> x="SpatialGridDataFrame", CRSobj="CRS"
>>> x="SpatialLines", CRSobj="CRS"
>>> x="SpatialLinesDataFrame", CRSobj="CRS"
>>> x="SpatialPixelsDataFrame", CRSobj="CRS"
>>> x="SpatialPoints", CRSobj="CRS"
>>> x="SpatialPointsDataFrame", CRSobj="CRS"
>>> x="SpatialPolygons", CRSobj="CRS"
>>> x="SpatialPolygonsDataFrame", CRSobj="CRS"
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Jim Burke
>>> Renaud Lancelot wrote:
>>>  Thank you Edzer. I was hoping there was a simpler solution, but it's
>>>> still
>>>> fairly simple.
>>>> Renaud
>>>> 2009/5/7 Edzer Pebesma <>
>>>>  Yes, but you will not like that call.
>>>>> In R (package sp), each spatial data set can only have one single
>>>>> projection. I'd suggest, in pseudo-code
>>>>> - import the data into a data.frame
>>>>> - for each UTM zone do:
>>>>>  select the locations
>>>>>  set their CRS
>>>>>  reproject to long/lat
>>>>> - cbind the locations to a single data structure
>>>>> - convert back to data.frame if needed.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Edzer Pebesma
>>>>> Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), University of M?nster
>>>>> Weseler Stra?e 253, 48151 M?nster, Germany. Phone: +49 251
>>>>> 8333081, Fax: +49 251 8339763
>>>>> Renaud Lancelot wrote:
>>>>>  Dear all,
>>>>>> I have a big dataset (> 200,000 lines) of georeferenced locations
>>>>>> where the coordinates are given in UTM, spanning over several zones.
>>>>>> Is is possible to convert all the UTM coordinates into longlat WGS84
>>>>>> with a single call ?
>>>>>> Renaud
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> --
> Roger Bivand
> Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
> Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
> Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
> e-mail:

Renaud Lancelot
EDEN Project, coordinator

UMR CIRAD-INRA "Contrôle des maladies animales exotiques et émergentes"
Joint research unit "Control of emerging and exotic animal diseases"

Campus International de Baillarguet TA A-DIR / B
F34398 Montpellier

Tel.  +33 4 67 59 37 17  -  Fax  +33 4 67 59 37 95
Secr. +33 4 67 59 37 37  - Cell. +33 6 77 52 08 69

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