
I use R & GRASS together on both MacOS X and Linux without problems. It's very direct to write a shell script that calls both R & GRASS within a single script. Writing a R script that calls GRASS may be more tedious to do what you want. Writing a shell script that calls both may be the wat to go.


Josh London wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions so far regarding the use of GRASS or SAGA.

We have considered those options but SAGA doesn't appear available for MacOS. My understanding is that spgrass6 is more for accessing R code/functions from within GRASS vs accessing GRASS functions from within R. We have all our other analysis coded up in R, and just need these functions to do one part of a bigger process. Maybe I'm misunderstanding how to use R and GRASS together. I'll do some further research.

Thanks again

Josh London wrote:

We are looking to mimic, in R, the slope (max magnitude difference between a cell and its neighbors) and aspect (direction of maximum magnitude difference) functions found in ESRI's Spatial Analyst package. We were just about to code up the slope function but thought I would make sure we weren't re-inventing any wheels already out there.


Thomas E Adams
National Weather Service
Ohio River Forecast Center
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